Login Register


Enter your details below to create a free MySpeedDate account.

Invalid Field Valid Field Enter your first name. This will appear on the badge you´ll wear at our events. 
Invalid Field Valid Field Enter your last name; this is for clerical purposes only and will never be given out to members. 
Invalid Field Valid Field Enter your Date of Birth. Your age will be used to keep you informed of suitable events. 
Invalid Field Valid Field Please select your gender. 
Invalid Field Valid Field
Invalid Field Valid Field Enter your password - min 6 chars, max 30 chars 
Invalid Field Valid Field Enter a valid email address. We use this to send you match details and keep you informed of events. Please check your junk folder of your email address for our welcome email and log in details and don't forget to add us to your safe senders list. 
Invalid Field Valid Field Please enter your phone number, this will only be used by our team to send you confirmation of events booked and event reminders. 
Invalid Field Valid Field Enter your preferred City. This value will be used to keep you informed of suitable events. 
Once your account is registered, there is an option to upload a photo in the 'edit profile' menu. This is advisable as a reminder for anyone you meet at one of our events.

If you cannot find your welcome email after submitting this form then please check your junk folder, don't forget to add us to your safe senders list for all future message/match notifications.

By clicking the submit button below you agree to our Terms and Conditions and to receive our newsletter, account updates and offers (these settings can be changed in the 'edit profile' screen)


MySpeedDate Ltd